Gustavo Russo, the well-known dancer and choreographer is back again, presen- ting his show Tango Seduccion, which has delighted and moved audiences in France, Austria, Holland, Russia, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Korea, Israel, Arab Emirates, Brazil, Chile, Turkey and Taiwan for the last 10 years. His show has been acclaim- med by the public at many of the most important international stages, such as the Olympia Theatre in Paris, the Opera House in Jerusalem, the Kremlin Theatre in Moscow, the Stad Halle in Vienna, the RAI Theatre in Amsterdam and the Chungmu Art Hall in Seoul and his work has been praised by the specialized press, thanks to his incomparable and unique choreographic talent.
Tango Seduccion, with its powerful energy and virtuosity, draws the spectator into the heat of the passion born of this exotic and highly erotic dance which Gustavo Russo moulds and manipulates in a way which only he can.
The extraordinary cast of artists on stage, which includes 14 dancers, 5 musicians and a singer, bring the story of this show to life. It is a tale of great descriptive beauty which portrays the intimate dialogue between the artist and the dance, his inspiration, the road he travels in search of beauty and the stories behind its creation.
Τιμή: €25
Ημερομηνία: 22 Ιουλίου 2011
Τόπος : Patixeio Αμφιθέατρο Λάρνακας
'Ωρα: 9.00ΜΜ
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6, Θέμιδος & Τοσίτσας, 3036 Λεμεσος |
25340471 |
Πωλίνα Ηλιάδη |
35, Νικόδημου Μυλωνά, 8047 Παφος |
26220262 |
Χρήστος Χαραλάμπους |
44, Στασικράτους. 1065 Λευκωσια |
22817555 |
Αντρέας Σάββα |
125, Λεωφ.Μακαρίου ΙΙΙ, 3021 Λεμεσος |
25736773 |
Κωνσταντίνος Μιχαηλούδης |
60 Λόρδου Βύρωνος, 6023 Λαρνακα |
24665073 |
Έλενα Σπύρου |
Γραφείο: 125, Λεωφ.Μακαρίου ΙΙΙ, 3021 Λεμεσος |
25878718 |
Αχιλλέας Αχιλλέως |
Ταμείο Δημοτικού Θεάτρου Λάρνακας |
24-665794 |
22494775 |
Musical Paradise, Λεμεσός |
25392411 |
Κάττος Music Store, Λάρνακα |
24656262 |
Καλυψώ Music Store, Πάφος |
26949296 |
Νησάκι Lounge Bar, Αγία Νάπα |
23725533 |
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